nexss test # if you are not in the Nexss Programmer project will display global tests like Nexss Core
nexss test all # will run all tests in the folder test.nexss (global or project)
nexss Id test all # (will run the test for package) in this case package Id
nexss test
to display available tests (if you are in the nexss programmer project then it will display the project related tests which is main folder of the project ./test.nexss)
values- (optional) extensions of languages [".js",".pl",".lua","tcl"]
startFrom - (optional) eg: ".pl" - will start testing from the .pl ommiting the .js (handy in the development)
EndWith - (optional) eg: ".lua" - will stop testing on .lua (handy in the development)
ommit - (optional) eg: [".pl",".lua"] - will ommit these 2 languages..
tests (required):
title - display during testing, the title for the test
type - shouldContain, shouldNotContain (self explanetory)
Below is just example when changed shouldContain -> shouldNotContain - display what should not be there...
params - [commandToExe, StringOrRegularExpression, options]
nexss file add Default${ext} --t=default --f
- where ${ext} will be replaced by the actual valueOK File (.*) has been created
- regular expression which need to be found OR shouldn't be there (depends on shouldContain or shouldNotContain){chdir: "MyTestProject"}
module.exports = {
startFrom: "",
endsWith: "",
omit: [
".html", // No json parsing
".json", // To Add combine json
tests: [
title: "Test Compilers",
tests: [
title: "Creating file for ${ext}",
type: "shouldContain",
params: [
"nexss file add Default${ext} --t=default --f",
"OK File (.*) has been created"
title: "Test without Unicode",
type: "shouldContain",
params: ["nexss Default${ext}", `"test":(.*)"test"`]
title: "Test Unicode characters",
type: "shouldContain",
params: ["nexss Default${ext} --test", `"test":(.*)"test"`]