
Projects or Packages is just a folder which contains _nexss.yml config file which allows to combine many languages. The 2 main sections are Files and Sequences. Files is basically the default Sequence which is run without specified sequence.

NOTE: files is used because of Nexss Programmer 1.0. With Nexss Programmer 2.0 you can use default sequence if there is no files part.

nexss Id # runs global package if Id folder does not exist in the current folder.
nexss Id help # displays help for package
nexss . # runs files sequence

New Project

# Below: folder projectName cannot exist Or --f will delete folder and all actual data!!! use it wisely.
nexss project new projectName # Or nexss p new projectName
nexss p n . # create project in the current folder only if not exist (no _nexss.yml config file)
nexss p n projectName # the same as above
nexss p n projectName -f # if project directory exists will add files without overwriting
nexss p n projectName -ff # Full Force - will overwrite files in the projectName directory

Project structure

win32/ - platform specific for Windows
darwin/ - platform specific for MacOS
linux/ - platform specific for Linux
src/ - main source for all platforms if platform folder does not exist
_nexss.yml - file with the configuration for src. Each platform specific has own configuration
config.env - optional environment variable file

note: you can create platform specific code just to create new project inside the folder eg nexss p new win32

Environment variables

You can add evironment variables for particular project by adding the config.env file like that:

<!-- config.env -->