nexss test all --onlyErrors # will only display errors,
# please notice that on error testing there will be showing errors from Nexss Programmer, but that's ok.
You can easy add testing to your incoming data by flag --nxsTest
nexss myfile.js --nxsTest
# --nxsTest is from 2.1.13+, older versions --test
This will add some extra tests:
"number": 369369,
"string": "This is string",
"Unicode": "½¼¾¿®¢£¤¥§óęśćźżÓŚĆŹŻäöü߀яшдфгчйкльжѠ"
nexss src\my.cpp --test
# This is with the template HelloWorld.cpp
[],"test":true,"number":369369,"string":"This is string","Unicode":
"outputCPP":"Hello from C++ 17!"}
You can add custom data to pass from _nexss.yml (config for nexss project) more here Nexss Programmer Config
name: FileTest
debug: true
x: 1
y: 2
- name: src/my.r